Legal warning



In this section are established the general conditions of the website


We suggest that the user read this Legal Notice carefully, reminding him that if he uses our Website, he declares full acceptance of all the sections in force at each time the user accesses this page.




The user agrees to make proper and lawful use of the Website and its contents, in accordance with the applicable legislation, these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, generally accepted good customs and public order.


This website contains materials prepared by Miguel Ángel Pérez Diepa (hereinafter the Firm or the Lawyer) for informational purposes only, so such materials may not reflect the most recent legislative or jurisprudential status on the issues analyzed and should not be considered, under no concept, as a substitute for legal or other advice. Access to these materials does not establish or imply any relationship between lawyer and client, or any other type of trust or professional relationship between the Firm and the user of this website. Therefore, the user should not act on the basis of the information contained therein without first resorting to the corresponding professional advice. Likewise, the user must not send any type of confidential information to the Firm without having previously consulted with one of our lawyers and having received authorization from them to send said information.


Similarly, these materials may be modified, developed or updated without prior notification.




Some of the services included in this website require the collection of personal data that are considered essential for the provision of the same by the Lawyer. During the data collection process, the user will be informed of the necessary nature of the same. If these mandatory data are not provided, the provision of such services will not be possible.


The information that the Office receives from the users of this website, through the different forms (on-line consultations, or contracting of services) is subject to automated processing and is incorporated into files owned by it, being responsible for said files Miguel Ángel Pérez Diepa, with address at C / Reyes Católicos, nº20 Bajo, Office 2, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 35001, Las Palmas, telephone: 928313233 and NIF: 43653146C.


The Firm will treat the data confidentially and exclusively for the purpose of managing the relationship with its clients, partners, franchisees and / or promoting the activities of the Firm.


Sending emails or filling in forms included in this website implies the express consent of the user to the inclusion of their personal data in the files referred to above and their consent for their data to be used to send communications. of the Group companies (if any) by email or by any other means.


In relation to the data collected in the manner provided in the previous sections, the user may exercise the rights recognized by law and, in particular, the rights of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition, if relevant, as well as the Right to revoke the consent given for the transfer of your data. Such rights may be exercised by the user or, where appropriate, by whoever represents him, by means of a written and signed request, addressed to the following address: C / Reyes Católicos, nº20 Bajo, Oficina 2, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 35001, Las Palmas. The request must contain the following information: name and surname of the user, address for the purposes of notifications, photocopy of the National Identity Document or passport, and specific content of the right exercised.


The Firm will keep the personal data that it has collected, and will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. The Firm will fulfill these duties in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.


All the data provided, regardless of their nature, are protected by the lawyer's duty of confidentiality.




The website belongs to Miguel Ángel Pérez Diepa with DNI 43653146C; Member of the Illustrious Bar Association of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with number 1082 and with tax address at C / Reyes Católicos, nº20 Bajo, Oficina 2, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, 35001, Las Palmas. The services provided through this website are carried out by professionals, lawyers, with the academic degree of law graduates.


The professional standards applicable to the practice of Law are contained in the General Statute of the Spanish Law, approved by Royal Decree 658/2001, of June 22. (Official State Gazette No. 164 of July 10, 2001), where it can be consulted. It can also be done on the Internet on the page of the Official State Gazette ( and alternatively on that of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (


Also the Deontological Code of Spanish Lawyers. Posted on 07/30/2000. Approved by the Plenary of the C.G.A.E. of June 30, 2000. It can be viewed on its website (


For the purposes of compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, hereinafter LSSI, and Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on Data Protection Of Personal Character, the owner of the referenced domain, informs you that the purpose of the Website is advertising and informative, likewise, it offers the possibility of contacting or requesting more detailed information about the services of the office. The personal data that you provide us will be incorporated and processed in the files duly registered in the AEPD owned by Miguel Ángel Pérez Diepa in order to manage your request, as well as to keep you informed of future promotions, news and developments related to the activity via email, fax, sms, or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, unless expressly opposed by you. The Firm undertakes not to transfer or use said data other than for the purposes for which they have been collected.




The Firm is not responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist in the contents of this site. In turn, these contents can be modified, developed or updated without prior notification.


This Website contains links to other Internet pages and does so in the good faith belief that such content complies with the law. This does not mean that their contents are endorsed or recommended. If the user accesses them, he does so under his own responsibility. The Firm does not assume guarantees about the veracity, accuracy or updating of the contents, services, texts, graphics and links of such sites.


The Firm is not responsible for computer damage or any other type that may be caused to the visitor by accessing the contents of this site. Therefore, it does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations in the computer system or in the emails.


Violation of system or network security can lead to civil or criminal liability. The Firm reserves the right to investigate possible security violations of this Website or, at the request of the competent authorities, may contribute to the investigation of possible violations.


The Firm is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by an alleged cessation or impossibility of using this Website and its contents, loss of data or business interruption, regardless of having been warned about said possibility or not.


The provision of the Website service and the Terms of Use are governed by Spanish law. The parties, as permitted by Law, expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, agreeing to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.